Tuesday, July 27, 2010

John Stott's Basic Christianity

  Looking for an intro to Christianity?  Read the Bible!

  Already read the Bible?  Still want more?  I've got great news!  There are hundreds of Christians out there trying to explain what it means to be a Christian.  John Stott is one of the better known authors doing so, and I recently finished Basic Christianity, his introduction to life in Christ.

  This book has been written about profusely, and there probably isn't much I can say about it that hasn't already been said.  It is, as the title implies, a basis introduction to Christ.  It's broken down neatly into four parts:  1)  Christ's Person  2)  Man's Need  3)  Christ's Work  4)  Man's Response.  It's a simple, easy-to-read guide about who Jesus Christ is, why we need Him, how He has saved us, and how we are called to respond.

  As I mentioned, there are many books like this.  I would choose C.S. Lewis or Tim Keller before I read this one again, but that doesn't mean I didn't like this book.  I think there is much to learn from Stott, who urges us to choose Christ, out of a deep need and because of God's great love.  If you're looking for a way to dive deeper into faith, or simply trying to find a starting point, you could do far worse than this basic intro.  Here is a link to a study guide for Stott's widely popular book.

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