Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One Day's Wages

The Movement of One Day's Wages from One Day's Wages on Vimeo.

We know that all is not right with the world.  We see it all around us, from the material and spiritual poverty lining the streets of Chattanooga, of East Brainerd, to the abject poverty of those who make their homes in garbage dumps in India.  If we are honest, we often prefer to change the channel, to turn down the volume, to ignore what is going on outside of our comfort zone.  But sometimes we can no longer do that--we have heard the cries of those in need of justice, and we know that Christ loves the least of these.  We have to follow in his footsteps, as difficult as that may be.  This is the story of one family who chose to do so, and I hope you'll visit the website to learn more about it.  What in your life is causing you to take notice?  Where is the Spirit leading you?  And how might you put your faith into action to reach out to those in need?


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