Thursday, August 1, 2013

Early Edition of New Hope E-News!


Grandparent Program-- Linda Brandon is reaching out to all those who would like to be involved in the grandparent program. Please speak with her if you are interested!

Ladies Luncheon-- The Ladies' Luncheon will be August 13 at the Mt. Vernon Restaurant. Please contact Marilyn Suber if you're interested in attending.

Community Kitchen Spot
There are a lot of hungry and homeless children of God and the community needs some help feeding them. If you would like to help out, please bring the following items to church this Sunday & put them in the grocery cart.

New Hope News

Sunday School—This Sunday, the adult class will continue to study Revelation. We'll pick up in chapter 12, hopefully making it through chapter 16.

Building & GroundsThere will be a building & grounds meeting on July 31 @ 6pm. Speak with Larrie Mansfield if you'd like to attend.

Outreach CommitteeThere will be an outreach committee meeting on August 6 @ 6:00.

SessionMeets Wednesday, August 7 at 6:30.

Pray For:
Lynn Meyer & Christine Dyer

Norma Capone

Kids & teachers preparing to go back to school

Father, In Jesus Name, we humbly ask that You would pour out Your Holy Spirit upon Your Church in our community. Without You and Your power we are hopeless to bring any true change to this broken world. Be merciful to us remembering our frailty. (From Chattanooga House of Prayer)


Keith's Random Thoughts

We all come to life from different places. Our personal histories and views on subjects are affected by where we've been and what we've done and what has happened to us in the process.

The President was in Chattanooga yesterday, and many people spent hours lining up in hopes of hearing him speak. Others spent hours waiting with protest signs to voice their opinions as the limo flashed by. Many were simply proud that the President was coming to town. Rachel and I? Having sat in presidential traffic before, we wondered when he was coming and going in the hopes that our own traffic schedules would not be affected.

I think we all relate to God differently, too. Some of us were raised in big churches, some in small churches, some in no church at all. Many listened to hellfire & brimstone sermons every Sunday for years, while others heard about the character traits of a compassionate and patient God. Still others simply questioned a seemingly-absent God. Some had life tragedies that led them to question the reality and/or goodness of God. Others were surrounded by a community that revealed the presence and care of God in the midst of suffering. Still others suffered and struggled to see the light in the midst of the darkness.

All of this affects how we view God.

It's easy for the church, and for this pastor, to forget that we all come to God from different places with different baggage. Not everyone has the same questions and struggles I do, and I can't relate to the big questions that many people ask.

So how do we craft ministry and reveal the love of God to others in response to this diversity of experience?

It has to be personal, right? Ministry and church membership and our relationships within the church have to have a personal touch, right? If I don't know the members of the church, can I preach well to them? If I don't know the questions being asked and the experiences from which they are coming, how can I hope to answer them? If we don't know a thing about the person with whom we are walking this narrow and often uncertain path of discipleship, how do we approach our struggle together, if we don't know one another?

As many parts of the church become less and less personal, I can't help but wrestle with this question. If we don't know each other, how can we serve well? I don't believe for an instant it's unfaithful or sinful to not know the person next to you in worship, and I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with some of the models of church today—but I can't help but wonder if they are best. How do we make sure that we truly know one another and are able to serve one another, that our strengths and weaknesses combine and augment each other to make us all stronger?

I come at this from a certain perspective. I have grown up in the small church and serve in a small church. I am sure I would feel differently if my past were otherwise, but it isn't, and so I wrestle with big questions. May God use us all, with all of our varied qualities, to paint a diverse picture of the wondrously diverse Kingdom of God, and may we unite around the throne of Christ in our worship.

Text for this Sunday
9 You should pray like this:

Our Father in heaven,
help us to honor
your name.
10 Come and set up
your kingdom,
so that everyone on earth
will obey you,
as you are obeyed
in heaven.
11 Give us our food for today.
12 Forgive us for doing wrong,
as we forgive others.
13 Keep us from being tempted
and protect us from evil.

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