Psalm 119:89-96
English Standard Version (ESV)
God is supreme. God is eternal and faithful and true and wondrous and just and powerful and mighty and brilliant and loving and gracious and righteous and peaceful. God made the earth, and it continues to exist because God sustains it. God will exist forever, and nothing can come into being or fall out of being without his knowledge. God is all-knowing and all-seeing.
To this God, the Psalmist, and we, can say: I am yours.
To this God, our voices can sing, save me.
And God does.
God sees us. God loves us. God saves us.
Not because he needs us, but rather because God desperately longs for us to live in the eternal peace and joy that only he can provide. Everything else may disappoint us, betray us or fall away, but God wants us to set our feet on the solid rock of his truth. From all the forces that oppose us, God wants to deliver us, to set us free, that we might grow into the people God made us to be.
May we read God's word and marvel at his love
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