Galatians 1:6-10
English Standard Version (ESV)
Imagine going to the movie theater and seeing the greatest movie ever made. It's got action, a great love story, and enough suspense and drama to keep you intrigued to the end. You leave the theater astounded, and for the next week you can't stop thinking and talking about it. Eventually, your enthusiasm fades, and someone else comes along and tells you about another movie, and you go and see it and your enthusiasm for the first movie starts to fade. Pretty soon, you think it doesn't matter and you've forgotten what made the first one so great because you haven't seen it again.
In Christianity, our enthusiasm often fades. This is why we go to church continuously -- to gather together and be reminded of how great God is and how amazing his love is. There are so many competing forces in the world that if we don't, we might turn our attention slowly away and see other things as equal -- pretty soon, we forget how amazing God's love is. We get caught up in the world and drift, slowly, unintentionally.
So we gather together each week and celebrate, we pray, we worship and adore. And we read the Bible and pray and hope and wonder at how amazing God is when we are on our own -- for the Gospel is the most important thing in the world, and Paul is begging the Galatians to remember that, to never forget that this one thing is worthy of pursuing with all of their lives. May we cling to that same fact and that same love!!
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