Matthew 7:15-20
English Standard Version (ESV)
Trees are made of wood. That's about as far as my abilities go in distinguishing what kind of tree a certain tree may be. I usually can't tell. If it's fall, I can usually tell the maple trees apart, and I know what a dogwood looks like in bloom, but that's it. With fruit trees, I need more help -- like pieces of fruit hanging from the branches. Without this major hint, I am not going to guess correctly. If there's an orange hanging from the branch, I can likely guess what kind of tree it is.
People are similar. From looking at a person, it's unlikely that I'll know what kind of person they are. Sometimes, I can take a pretty good guess, but there's no guarantee I'll be right. But when I can watch them and observe how they treat people, I can guess if they have high character or no character. I can guess how they view others. Their actions reveal what kind of person they are.
So what do your actions say about you?
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