Matthew 10:34-39
English Standard Version (ESV)
It's always interesting to me when people talk about Jesus as a nice teacher who taught some moral things. Jesus was certainly a great teacher, but listening to him was by no means easy! He was divisive, and he challenged people about their true allegiances. He clearly proclaimed the truth about an alternative Kingdom, and he recognized that his Lordship would cause trouble here on earth. Over and over, he warns people not to follow him unless they have first considered the cost, because following him with integrity means pledging everything to him above all else.
What's great is that rather than just asking for everything and offering nothing in reward, like some tyrannical leaders do, is that Jesus promises us that we'll get far more in reward than we can ever give up. The Kingdom of God works like that -- we give ourselves and all that we are, and God, in return, gives us eternal life and peace and joy and hope and all the glory that is deserved by Jesus Christ, his perfect Son. Through the sacrifice of Jesus, we receive more than we could even think to ask for.
But first, we bow the knee before the throne and pledge everything to Christ. This may be troublesome and may cause divisions in your life. It will cause conflict, because you will be pulled in one direction while the world pulls in other directions. It won't be easy. But it's worth your life!
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