Isaiah 40:27-31
English Standard Version (ESV)
There is a man who can run 26.2 miles in less than 123 minutes. To do so, he averages around thirteen miles an hour, running 26 consecutive sub-five minute miles. That's quick.
There are some people who aren't content with running 26 miles. They run 50 and 100 mile events. Proving that some people will stop at nothing to test the limits of the human body, there is a 135-mile race across Death Valley that people run.
But all these people will, eventually, go so far so fast that they will tire. They will tire out like a college student around finals and a new parent whose baby keeps crying at night. We all wear out in some way -- we have so much fun we exhaust ourselves at times, and at other times we are so worried and stressed that we need a break.
We who depend upon the Lord find ourselves with a Savior who offers us a rest for our weary souls. We find a Savior who pours the Spirit into us, and promises us an eternity without worry and fear, without bodies that wear out, without minds burdened by stress. We who wait upon the Lord will find that God is enough for our weaknesses, and that while we often tire, the Lord never does, and there is always enough in Christ.
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