Luke 1:26-33
English Standard Version (ESV)
When you fly enough times, you begin to take airplanes for granted. You grumble about the speed of the WiFi on the plane, forgetting that you're in a giant metal tube with wings 35,000 feet in the air. The miracle fades into the background as you wonder if you'll get a decent snack.
The same is true of the Christmas story -- we forget the miracles that took place along the way. Mary was chosen to bear the Messiah, the light of the world, and became pregnant when she was only engaged. This could have easily been a life-threatening situation, and the scandal could have destroyed her life. As a young teenager, she was willing to risk everything because God had chosen her and was inviting her into something new, something unknown. An angel showed up in her room, and she was troubled by his greeting, uncertain of what this might mean.
The angel's greeting to Mary is the same as the message God wants to send to us -- Do not be afraid! We often don't know what lies ahead, and there are always plenty of reasons to shrink back in fear, but God is with us, and despite the challenges that await, God will remain with us for every step of the journey.
Mary could have easily said no and opted for the easier path. But she trusted in God and the miracle continued. May we give thanks for her courage, and may we hear God's words of encouragement to us today.
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