John 10:1-6
English Standard Version (ESV)
There are countless different voices we can follow in this confusing age. So many different things are competing for our attention -- it's a distracting world in which we live. But there is something inside of us that hungers for a spiritual depth that can only be provided by Jesus -- and that's what he means when he says that the sheep know his voice. Eternity is within us, and the longing for heaven resonates when we hear what is good and right and true. When the Holy Spirit speaks, when God is at work, we know -- just as the sheep know the voice of the shepherd.
Notice, too, that Jesus calls the sheep by name. Our Savior knows us, personally, well enough to speak your name. The eternal God of the ages calls your name, and you know his voice, and we follow. Not perfectly, but our souls follow the call of God, and we are led forward, always forward, by the one who created us and calls us and comes to us.
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