Thursday, May 14, 2020

Hebrews 10:19-25

Hebrews 10:19-25 
English Standard Version (ESV) 

  This passage always makes me think of Indiana Jones, walking with trepidation into some undiscovered place, uncertain as to whether he's going to be able to walk back out.  He doesn't know what awaits, so there is fear upon entering, hoping he can escape with his life.
  In Jesus, we can approach the holiest place with confidence, because we are counted as worthy.  We don't have to be afraid that we're not good enough, or that there might be some surprise.  No, we are accepted as perfect because we have been sprinkled clean, washed through the love and grace of Christ.  
  Therefore, the writer says, we should stir one another up to love and good works, not simply saving up the grace for ourselves.  Our task is to spread the good news.  We who can approach God with confidence should then go to those around us with confidence and live out how the Gospel has transformed our lives.

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