Paul writes about a lot of suffering in his life -- he did not have an easy life. And Jesus? Well, he was literally killed because of what he believed and lived. Most of the apostles suffered as well, and countless other early Christians died for what they believed. So let's be extra wary of anyone who promises that believing in Jesus will necessarily make your life easier and materially better. Christianity gives us tools to cope with suffering and disappointment, and the joy and peace we find in Christ should make our lives better, even if we materially have less because we commit ourselves to serving the community with our gifts.
It's a trade off. When we keep our eyes focused on eternity and the community we have here on earth, we are better able to accept short-term disappointments and the sacrifices we make. When Paul sends Timothy to exhort the Thessalonians, he's reminding them of the long-term vision, to let the power of the Gospel help them hold steady in the face of the temptation to throw in the towel and look for short-term relief.
May we be the type of people who exhort one another, who reach and encourage us to hold fast to our good confession, that the community may be strengthened by our presence in it!
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