Thursday, September 8, 2022

John 8:1-11

John 8:1-11 

  I can't help but think about the people in Syria and Central Africa Republic and Ukraine that are chased from their homes by violence.  They're people, caught in something bigger than themselves, and so easily overlooked when we see war on television.  We forget about the individual stories of people trying to live their lives when everything is uprooted.  What about them?
  Here, this woman is caught in adultery.  It's a terrible thing, but it's made worse when she becomes a pawn, something used in the games of others as they try and ensnare Jesus in some clever trap that will prove to others how smart they are to discredit Jesus.  Her life and situation doesn't matter to them.
  May we be the kind of people who always notice the individuals caught up in something huge.  Jesus notices here.  He cares.  May we care.  May we pay attention and be careful never to use people as a means to an end, and may we look out for those caught in something larger, and may we find ways to care for them.

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