Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Caleb's first game

  Once again, Caleb:

 You know there is something important going on when your parents start talking excitedly to you first thing in the morning.  They kept smiling at me and talking like they were asking me questions, obviously forgetting the fact that I don't yet speak or understand English.  I tried to tell them that, but all they did was smile bigger.  You have no idea how frustrating it is being misunderstood.  I consider myself a rather affable fellow, so I went along with their plan, whatever it was.  When I don't know what else to do, I smile.

  After a long day of very anxious anticipation on their part, they finally stuffed me in the black seat of punishment and tied me in.  I had been expecting this, and I tolerated it fairly well since they were clearly so excited about it.  They put me in a new onesie that I had never worn before, and I'd tell you what it said if I could read it.  But I can't read yet, so you're on your own.  They put me in the car and continued talking to me, clearly oblivious to the fact that I cannot yet understand them.

  When we arrived at our destination, there were hordes of people around.  Clearly it was a big deal--there must have been someone very important arriving.  I was eager with anticipation to see who it was, but I soon figured out it wasn't anyone important--just a bunch of men running around on a green field.  They played a loud song at the beginning when everyone stood up, but I soon realized that they weren't looking at me, which was disappointing.  They kept throwing a ball around, but some people got very angry after the ball was caught--if it was me, I wouldn't make a man with a large stick in his hand angry, but who am I to argue?  The field was pretty.  Well, for a little while.  There were tons of people there, but most of them weren't looking at me, so I wasn't too impressed.  What good is a huge crowd if they aren't going to stare at me?

 I soon ran out of energy after smiling so much and trying to watch this thing that everyone calls 'baseball'.  So I figured out what's even cuter than smiling:

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