Thursday, June 27, 2013

June 27 New Hope E-News


Building & GroundsThere will be a building & grounds meeting on July 10. Speak with Larrie Mansfield if you'd like to attend.

Wednesday FunA big thank you to Lynne Brock for organizing these!
Community Kitchen Spot
There are a lot of hungry and homeless children of God and the community needs some help feeding them. If you would like to help out, please bring the following items to church this Sunday & put them in the grocery cart.
8 oz. Styrofoam bowls
Dry Milk
Styrofoam Plates
Plastic Forks/Spoons

New Hope News

Sunday School—This Sunday, the adult class will study 2 & 3 John.

$.02/meal—Next collection will be July 21. Be sure to save your pennies!

VBSWill be the week of July 15-18. Make your plans accordingly!

Pray For:
Lynn Meyer & Christine Dyer

Russell Mabry

John L. Wright – He is now in Sisken for rehab (he's in room 522 if you'd like to give him a call). Continue to lift he & Peggy up in your prayers.


Church leaders respond to DOMA decision (If you celebrate the ruling, here are some great thoughts from Jim Wallis and another article about how resistance is futile.. If you oppose the ruling, here's a well-written article about how the church should respond. If you're not sure what to make of it all, Christian Century has some analysis of it.)

Keith's Random Thoughts

Last night, Rachel and I took four minutes out of our evening to watch the International Space Station fly across the sky. (Click here to track when it will be visible in your location. For Chattanooga folks, it will be back Friday night.) It was pretty amazing to think that there was someone inside that light as it crossed the sky, and I couldn't help but wonder about how different things looked from way up there.
It's pretty easy to lose a healthy perspective on things. When the car breaks down and the kid is screaming and the roof is leaking, I start to believe that the whole world is ending. I focus exclusively on my problems, and when I can't make sense of them, it's easy to begin to lose hope. It's easy to ask if God really cares, or if chaos reigns supreme.
I have to imagine that things look different from another perspective. I believe that God looks down upon creation and his beloved children and sees our problems differently. I bet God sees my leaky roof and wonders why I don't first give thanks that I have a house. I think God hears my screaming child (well, he may use the mute button on that one) and thinks I should first give thanks for a child healthy enough to scream. I wonder if he looks at my car breaking down and thinks that while it may be stressful, it is a trivial matter in the face of so many bigger problems.
I don't fully grasp the mind of God, but I do believe that he has a big plan for creation, and for each of us. I think he's leading us down the road that leads to abundant, eternal life. When we think about the life that awaits beyond this one, a life of infinite duration (unlike those tires I purchased...), the problems we face are like potholes.
Potholes come in various shapes and sizes. Some are minor, barely noticed as we travel along at whatever the posted speed limit is. Some are sizable, causing a noticeable 'thud' on the journey, often causing you to wonder if something just fell off the car. Others seem like they might swallow the car whole. They have the ability to break tires and crack rims, and sometimes we have to stop a bit for a repair. But we make it back on the road, and we head towards our destination.
From God's perspective, I think he sees a much bigger road and a longer journey. I believe he's focused on our overall growth in discipleship, and the problems in our lives are seen as momentary afflictions. They are serious things that we must deal with, but they will not bring the journey to a halt. We will go over them, around them or through them, but a broken car or screaming child will not be the end. We will endure, and God will lead us deeper into discipleship, farther down the road.
Now if I could only just remember to keep my problems in perspective, trusting the long view, watching in wonder at what God is doing in my life, knowing that I am safe in his hands despite the threats that seem to loom.

Text for this Sunday
Daniel 3 is a pretty long chapter. I'm not going to be reading the entire chapter, just bits and pieces, but the sermon is based on the entire arc of the chapter. If you'd like to read it, 3&version=CEV

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