Psalm 74:1-11
New Life Version (NLV)
What did you have for dinner last night? How about last Tuesday? What about three months before that?
We forget things. Many of the things we forget aren't very important, like what I ate for dinner last Tuesday. Our brains are actually required to forget things--we take in so much information each and every second that we would be overwhelmed if we remembered them all.
We even forget important things, things that we never thought we'd forget. We forget about friends from years ago, or events that we assumed we would always remember. We forget.
God, however, doesn't forget. God doesn't forget his people, and God doesn't forget his promises. God remembers his promise to be with his people, and God will never, ever, ever forget the promise to be with you always, even in the valley of the shadow of death, even when it appears that God's enemies have triumphed and that you will face destruction.
God will remember you, and God will be true to his promises.
May you lean into God's promises
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