Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Psalm 105:39-45

Psalm 105:39-45
Common English Bible (CEB) 

  God spread out.  God brought.  God opened.  God remembered.  God gave.
  God is always the initiator, the one reaching out, the one filled with grace who is longing to share that grace.  God gives.  We receive.
  Let go of the pressure to figure it out on your own.  Fall into the arms of God and let his wisdom fill you, his love receive you, his vision guide you.  You don't have to make the path on your own.  We are called to follow his path that he created.  God's not asking us to solve the world's problems.  God is asking us to join him in building his kingdom, using each day as an opportunity to receive what God has given us and share it with the world around us.  Everything originates in God.  Let us proceed from there.

May we go forward with confidence in God that obedient service is enough

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