Psalm 107:1-9
Living Bible (TLB)
We live in a sharing society. Our culture is always ready to share what is happening. People share pictures of themselves doing anything, everything and nothing. We love sharing about ourselves.
Our faith calls us to share what God has done for us. God has saved us, reached into our despair and plucked us into new life. Jesus Christ died on a cross so that we might not suffer the fate that we deserved, and God did this out of pure & selfless love for us. There are not enough words in the languages of the world to describe all that God has done.
Yet, we hesitate. We tell our own story but omit the wondrous deeds God has done. We fail to give God the glory he deserves, and instead try to take some for ourselves.
As we tell our story, may our hearts be burning for the desire to share the fact that God is the central figure in all we do, and that our story is the rich story it is because of God's endless grace for us.
May we tell of God's love!
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