Ephesians 4:1-7
English Standard Version (ESV)
Paul lists a group of traits that don't seem like they're in popular demand these days. Humility. Gentleness. Patience. Selfless love. Seeking unity above all else.
In a culture of pride that seeks to create a memorable persona so people will know who you are, these aren't traits that are admired. In a social-media dominated culture that defines popularity by the number of followers and the ability to create a brand that others will follow and imitate, these aren't the types of qualities people will seek out. But when building authentic community that will require people to be vulnerable and build trust, this is what you need. When you reach the depths of life's valleys and need a companion to walk with you through the darkest chapters of life, these are exactly the type of things you look for. When you need a friend and the world has turned its back, this is what you're looking for.
In summary, authentic relationships are built on our willingness to be humble and consider the needs of others, to selflessly serve the community and think not of our own needs first. When we build relationships and trust, we are able to share the Gospel effectively, out of genuine love for the other. We are stronger when we think of another first and ourselves last.
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