Tuesday, September 26, 2017

James 1:12-15

James 1:12-15
English Standard Version (ESV)

  If you stand by the ice cream stand long enough, eventually you'll buy an ice cream.
  It's the pathway of sin that we all have walked -- we have a desire, and we allow our minds to dwell on it.  We flirt with it, always believing that we are stronger and able to resist.  We wouldn't give in to it, but we'll play with it, entertain it, and the more time we spend with it, the more our resistance weakens, the more tempting it becomes, and eventually we give in.  Our desire gives birth to sin, and sin leads to death.  It's a slow process, and it would be certain were it not for the grace of God, who intercedes to disrupt the pathway to death.
  In Jesus Christ, we have a pathway out of sin, we have a path to life.  In paying the ultimate price for sin, he accepts the punishment we deserve and creates another option -- one that leads to eternal life.  It is a free gift, an invitation to us all.  Accept the grace and love of God, and we will walk with him and receive his peace, avoiding the path from sin to death and instead choosing to receive abundant and eternal life.

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