John 3:27-30
English Standard Version (ESV)
Everything truly good in your life is a gift from God, and it all points back to God. The parts of our lives that show true and selfless love -- that points to God. The moments of pure beauty are windows through which we catch glimpses of the one true God. The laughter we share reminds us of God's eternal joy. The times of peace we experience give us a glimpse of what the Kingdom of God is like. These things are all gifts from God, and we are right to celebrate them with grateful hearts.
For a life that spreads the Gospel good news, it shouldn't be all about us. We're not looking to build ourselves up -- the goal is to let God increase, so that our lives might have more of these moments and let others see a glimpse of the Kingdom at work within us. When God's hope and peace and grace and love shines through, then it's not about us, it's about God, and as we are decreasing, God is increasing. This is the faithful journey -- it's hard work, but the more God increases, the more we find ourselves at peace, resting confidently in the supreme grace of God.
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