Ecclesiastes 12:1-8
English Standard Version (ESV)
You should start saving money for a rainy day now, when you don't need it, rather than waiting for that rainy day and wishing you had started saving years ago. In the same way, you should get a flu shot when you're healthy, so that if you happen to get the flu, hopefully the effects will be weakened. If you exercise before the doctor tells you that you need to, perhaps your annual physical will go better. All these things we know -- but we often fail to do them, because other things get in the way.
In the same way, we are told to remember our Creator know, and to build the relationship now. We should focus on building our prayer life now, on living in such a way that reminds us that God is with us always, because if we do that, then when we discover ourselves in the valleys of life, we'll already have taught ourselves that God is always with us. The stronger we build our relationship with God now, the better we'll be able to draw upon and recognize God's presence with us in hard times.
It's like learning a language. Let's say you start learning French now, when you have no trip planned, but you practice it every day for 2.5 hours. Then in 2 years, when you suddenly win a free trip to Paris, you'll be prepared, rather than trying to learn French in two weeks. In the same way, building your spiritual life not only helps you now, but also strengthens you for whatever trials may come your way.
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