Micah 1:2-4
English Standard Version (ESV)
The Bible talks about God in a lot of ways. Some of them are familiar, even tender -- we get the image of God as a Mother Hen, God as a devoted Father, God as a dedicated and faithful friend. We have the Suffering Servant, God offering himself on the cross. We have God as the patient teacher, tending to the disciples and the crowds in the midst of their confusion.
Let us not forget the pure power of God. Here in Micah, we have mountains melting under his feet, valleys splitting like wax before a fire and waters pouring down. When we worship and when we pray, may we do so with humility, recognizing that we come before a mighty and magnificent God who hung the stars in the sky, loves us with incredible power and purpose, and yet can also dissolve the world with a word. Let us humbly bow before this God, recognizing how small we are and being amazed at the fact that this God, this mighty and powerful God, loves us with patience and saves us through gentle grace.
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