Matthew 22:34-40
English Standard Version (ESV)
I love the Cincinnati Reds. I demonstrate this by paying attention to them every single day. I read the pre-game summaries. I listen to them on the radio. I read the box scores and watch the standings (well, I don't watch the standings much anymore. These days, I know exactly where they'll be!). During the offseason, I count the days until pitchers and catchers report to spring training, and when they do, my heart is filled with hope for the coming year, for spring has truly come. I invest my money in the team, through buying tickets and merchandise. My time and attention follow.
So the question, then, is how do I show my love for God? How do I show my love for my neighbor? These are the questions that we need to be asking daily, weekly, annually, to ensure that our lives are pursuing the path we're aspiring to. We don't get graded based on how we do, and we'll never perfect what it means to love God and neighbor, but we do need to pay attention to how we invest our time, money and energy in loving and serving God and neighbor. It's easy to take them for granted.
One thing we talk about at work is the importance of the weekly review. It's a time to look back on how we did in the previous week and what we would change. It's the workplace version of St. Ignatius' prayer of Examen, which is meant to be prayed at the end of the day to reflect on how we saw God's presence at work during the day and to pray for God's grace to cover our shortcomings.
How do you reflect on your spiritual life? Do you take some time daily, weekly, or perhaps annually to reflect on your spiritual growth and pray for Holy Spirit wisdom to guide your next day/week/year? It's a wise practice to pause and look back to see what God has done and pray for his wisdom in the coming days.
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