Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Matthew 25:14-30

Matthew 25:14-30 
English Standard Version (ESV)

  What if, on your deathbed, you found out that you had ten million dollars in your bank account that you never knew about?  You'd probably be upset and disappointed that you never had a chance to use it.  You certainly wouldn't be expected to be held accountable for not using it if you didn't know about it.
  I think some people read this passage through that light.  They get to the end and worry that they'll not properly use their talents, and they spend all sorts of time and energy trying to determine just what those talents are.  They wonder if they'll waste talents they don't know about, and if Jesus will be upset with them for not using them, even though they're uncertain.
  So what's important here is that the master is very clear with his servants about the money he is giving them.  He doesn't hide it in the hopes that they'll find it while he's gone.  He doesn't give them hints or clues -- he gives it to them directly, and they know about it.
  In the same way, you'll know what your gifts are that you're supposed to use.  You're not going to be scolded for not doing something with an asset you didn't know about-- but we're expected to use the gifts that we have and that have been identified.  Once we know what our gifts are, may we use those fully to glorify God.  Until then, let us be patient and trust that the Master will make clear at the appropriate time what our best gifts are.

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