Tuesday, July 16, 2019

John 5:25-29

John 5:25-29 
English Standard Version (ESV)

  At some point, the sound of the voice of God will permeate all of space and time, declaring to ears long dead that there is still life to be lived, life unlike anything those eyes would have ever glimpsed in the past, life that dwells in unapproachable light and basks in the radiance of the glory of God.  At some point, the majesty of Christ will shine like a thousand suns and the grave will give up the dead as death whimpers a final, plaintive cry before perishing before the conquering hero.  At some point, the Holy Spirit will sweep across the chaos of the world and set things right, bringing order where there is discord and a peace that passes understanding will dwell in the hearts and minds of all people.
  Unfortunately, that point is not today.  But all who believe can hold fast in the firm and certain knowledge that no matter what, they will be included in the resurrection of the life because of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.  We who believe are called, therefore, to proclaim the Gospel to the world, to our neighbors, those who dwell beside us and all others with whom we share our humanity, from those  who inhabit the halls of power to the migrant desperate for a slice of peace.  We are called to preach the Good News and tell the story of a God who will triumph over death and bring life where there once was death.

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