John 5:41-47
English Standard Version (ESV)
Lots of things in this world promise glory. Caleb had Nickelodeon on this morning and every toy promises to make everything wonderful. Every truck commercial assures the owner of a better, more rugged life. Magazines sell monetary success as the answer to all of life's problems, except for the magazines that make the lives of the rich and famous look terrible. Eat this, look like that, earn this, buy that, and life will be glorious. And if it's not, it's ok as long as your life on social media looks glorious, right?
All of these things are passing. Some of them can certainly enrich your life, but having more money only amplifies who you are -- it doesn't change it. If you're generous and kind when you have less money, you'll be so with more money, and if you're anxious and hoarding with a little money, you'll likely be so with more money.
God knows a glory that doesn't fade, that you really can carry beyond the grave. Jesus talks about joy in a way that helps us see that it's more than just a momentary thing that is caused by some external thing - joy is an internal sense, a peace that passes understanding, a confidence you we are infinitely loved and treasured and protected. Jesus spoke harshly to some because he wanted to break up their preconceived notions of God, and help them see that God was actively working to spread the Good News to all people through grace and mercy -- God isn't focused on excluding people because of the rules, but rather trying to include people through radical forgiveness that helps us see God's glory.
Ever driven through a cloud of bugs on a summer day? They obscure our ability to see through the windshield and recognize what's in front of us. Thank God for the grace that cleanses us from our sins and points to the glory of God.
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