Tuesday, October 8, 2019

John 14:8-14

John 14:8-14 
English Standard Version (ESV)

  If you're like me, at some point you've panicked and gone on a frantic search for your keys, digging in every pocket and bag and possible location, only to realize they're sitting on the counter in front of you (or occasionally still hanging in the ignition...).  If you're like me, you've sifted through every single thing in the fridge in search of one thing, only to see it finally, sitting in the front, in the middle.
  If you're like me, you've been searching for what Jesus is up to at some point in your life, only to realize later on that Jesus was at work right in the heart of your life, in the midst of your relationships and strife and joys.  The presence of God surrounded you, and you never realized it until much later.
  God is at work around us, even if we don't always realize it.  Jesus is here, and sometimes the most challenging thing we can do is open our hearts and lives to see how God is working. 
  A note on the conclusion of this -- Jesus notes that whoever believes will also do the works of Christ.  Note the order here -- belief comes before the works.  Jesus extends his love to us first.  The Holy Spirit dwells in us first.  God reaches out first.  This is so important, because when we remember that our actions follow the work of God, then we realize that salvation depends on Christ's work, not our own.  Then we can let go of perfection and fall into grace.  Then we can receive without anxiety and give without restraint.  Then we sink into the full blessing of God.

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