John 16:25-28
English Standard Version (ESV)
Our kids sometimes ask tough questions. They ask about death and they ask about heaven and sickness. We try to be honest with them, but there are certain concepts they cannot quite wrap their minds around. They're not yet 10, so we introduce them to things slowly, as their minds are ready, and then continue asking questions to see how they are slowly coming to grasp more challenging concepts as they age.
God does similar things to us. While we're in these mortal bodies, we can only understand so much about God this side of heaven. Jesus describes the Kingdom of God to us, but our minds and hearts cannot see the fullness of them, for God's unapproachable light is too great for us. This is why God hid Moses in the cleft of a rock when God revealed himself to Moses -- we simply cannot see the full glory of God while we are on this side of our resurrections.
Rather than wait for us to figure it out, however, God comes to us in Jesus Christ and reveals the glory of God, to the extent we can handle it. God sends the Holy Spirit to dwell among us, to animate and awaken our hearts and minds, so that we might understand as much as we are able, so that relationship might be as deep as possible this side of heaven. It is up to us to open our hearts and receive what God is pouring out, to grasp the revelation of God in the world, so that we might know what there is for us to know about God before we see God in the fullness of heaven.
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