Psalm 119:81-88
English Standard Version (ESV)
What do you long for?
The world teaches us to long for a lot of things. If I were to ask my kids, they'd probably tell you that they're longing for more legos or cookies, neither of which are necessarily bad. I'd probably opt for a vacation to someplace tropical or at least a nice dinner out. Again, nothing bad, but these things fall a bit short of eternal joy and peace. When we think about what we're longing for, we tend to be a bit short-sighted and focused on the present. If all I'm aiming for is a nice dinner and a new lego set for the kids, what happens once I achieve that?
When we aim for the eternal things that only God can offer, we spend a lifetime building towards it, catching glimpses here and there, powered forward by hope and a community that encourages us to strive farther. We are discouraged at times, but the goal is so much larger than ourselves that we are always pushing ourselves. The Holy Spirit beckons us onward, and our lives are invested in something bigger than ourselves.
So may we long for God, and in so doing find ourselves transformed.
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