Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Colossians 3:1-4

Colossians 3:1-4 
English Standard Version (ESV)

 Ever accidentally walk into the wrong bathroom?  Even if it's empty, you know immediately that you're in the wrong place.  Everything just seems off and I never make it more than half a step before I sheepishly back out and wonder how I did that.  There's a giant sign on the door -- how did I not notice?  What was I thinking?
  When we opt for selfishness, for greed, for other sins, it's like walking into the wrong bathroom.  We weren't made for it, and there's usually warning signs on the door -- but we're so caught up in something else that we just keep moving ahead, without realizing that we're headed into foreign territory where we don't belong. 
  So take deep breaths in the world, friends, and spend the time to listen to what God has in store for you.  You have died, and you belong to Christ -- choose to strive for God's glory, not your own, for in Christ is where we belong.  This Lent, join the discipline that draws the heart closer to Christ.

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