Friday, January 3, 2025

Exodus 2:5-10

Exodus 2:5-10

  The early story of Exodus isn't how we would design it.  But think of the gift that it gives Moses later on -- he's able to relate to the Israelites under slavery because he experiences it as a young child, but he's also raised in the palace, so he understands the Egyptians and their way of life.  What better preparation for Moses, who would later directly address Pharoah and lead the people out of slavery?  It works out in the long run, but in the short term, there is so much risk and danger.  I shrink back because I can't see the longer perspective, but that's the gift of being part of God's church -- it's an eternal organization, one that is guaranteed to conquer the forces opposing it.  That's the long term perspective that Jesus gives us.  

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Exodus 2:1-4

Exodus 2:1-4

  Happy New Year!  We'll start the new year by following Moses for a while.  Even the beginning of his story is fascinating, because the work used for 'basket' is the same word for Noah's ark.  Just as the ark saved the people from destruction, so it will deliver Moses from the watery destruction that Pharoah has in mind for Hebrew boys.  Pharoah sees a threat and believes that he can conquer it through his worldly power.  He doesn't realize that he's up against a power greater than he can fathom.
  In the same way, obstacles that we'll face this year will seem more daunting than we can imagine.  We won't be able to see a way around them, but God can.  God has a different perspective, an eternal perspective, and God's power is greater than any we can wrap our minds around.  So may we seek first to trust God in all things, and may we learn that what look to be an ending may, in fact, be a new beginning.