Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Exodus 2:16-22

Exodus 2:16-22 

  Here we see Moses, liberating people from an enemy.  The image that is funny to me is that Moses saves these women from the enemy, waters their flocks, and they up and leave him there.  He's hanging out by the well on his own, and their father has to convince them to bring him home.
  There are multiple scenes throughout Scripture where a young man meets his bride at the well.  In John 4, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at the well.  She's had a long history of failed relationships, but this isn't just another betrothal scene.  Instead, Jesus points beyond earthly marriage to the heavenly love and acceptance that earthly love points to.  He's telling all of us that these well scenes that end in love are simply precursors to the ultimate love that we find in God, and so we should celebrate love where we see it today, but ultimate, we are all sojourners in a foreign land who find our true home in God.

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