Monday, January 6, 2025

Exodus 2:11-15

Exodus 2:11-15 

  Here is Moses, a Jewish boy who grew up in the Egyptian temple, and his first actions as an adult are to strike an Egyptian in defense of a Hebrew, and then it is to mediate a dispute between two Hebrews, attempting to impose a standard of justice.  The Hebrews rebel, asking about his authority, and in these few verses, we see patterns that will emerge throughout his entire life.  Moses will be at the center of the conflict between the Egyptians and the Hebrews, and he'll be mediating disputes between the Hebrews, trying to impose a standard of justice upon their behavior.  
  For us, here in 21st century America, the lesson is to hold on to a standard of behavior.  There is right and wrong, and Scripture points us towards that.  Let us not fall into the American trap of believing that each person has their own ethic and they are all equal.  Moses fought against that, and we should as well.  

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