Wednesday, October 16, 2024

1 Samuel 18:6-9

1 Samuel 18:6-9 
  Do you abide in scarcity or abundance?  When someone else receives, are you of the mindset that it automatically means that there is less for you?  Or are you of the mindset that there is a bigger pie?  It's a choice we all have to make when it comes to seeing others receive honor.
  Saul -- we see his choice.  Saul believes that David receiving honor for his achievements means that Saul will pale in comparison.  Saul sees it as a competition that he's losing, and he begins to countdown to the end of his own reign.  Saul doesn't think about how exciting David might be for God's Kingdom -- he's only worried about his own.  Saul lives in fear.  
  If we choose faith over fear, then the question we should continually ask ourselves is how God might use new circumstances for the growth of God's kingdom.  If we keep our eyes and hearts focused there, then we see ourselves as citizens of God's kingdom.  We already know how precious we are in God's eyes, and so we don't have to fear losing that status.   Worldly status will come and go.  But to dwell in God's Kingdom -- that is a gift, one that is freely given, not competed for.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

1 Samuel 17:55-58

1 Samuel 17:55-58

  Often, people get ignored until it turns out they do something famous.  Perhaps people ignore someone, thinking they're not worth their time, but then they learn that the person is famous or noteworthy, and suddenly they're very interested, despite the fact that nothing has really changed.
  You'd think this was the first that Saul had heard of David.  But do you remember when, earlier this very chapter, Saul was trying to dress David in Saul's armor?  They'd met earlier, before David slew Goliath, but Saul wasn't interested in learning about David then.  It was only after David killed Goliath that Saul suddenly was interested in his heritage.
  May we be humble enough that we treat people equally, no matter how famous they may be.  They could do something remarkable in the future... or they might not.  Either way, may we treat each other like the precious sons and daughters of God that they are.  

Friday, October 11, 2024

1 Samuel 17:45-47

1 Samuel 17:45-47 

  I love this speech from David.  You can hear his passion for the Lord.  He will fight to defend the Lord's honor, and he has complete trust in God.  The battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand!  May that same spirit fill us and lead us in all we do!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

1 Samuel 17:38-40

1 Samuel 17:38-40 

  Here is Saul, looking at David and amazed at his boldness, and then he gives David his armor, which overwhelms the boy.  David instead opts to go with just his staff in one hand and his sling in the other.  Saul's ways are not for David.  
  We can sense Saul fading away.  Saul is afraid, hiding from Goliath, and when David is ready to fight, Saul is giving away his armor.  Saul is the king and ought to be leading the charge, fighting Goliath himself, but he willingly hands his armor over to a boy.  Saul has no fight in him, only fear. 
  May we, like David, find out own path forward.  May we listen to where the Holy Spirit is calling us, and follow the individual path God sets before us.  Others may not understand it, others may not recommend it, but God has called us uniquely and equipped us in specific ways for the things that we will face.  Another's armor will not suit us.  We are each fearfully and wonderfully made.