Tuesday, January 31, 2023

1 Corinthians 4:6-7

1 Corinthians 4:6-7 

  From when we're little, we're celebrated for the things we do.  Rachel and I try to celebrate and encourage the kids when they do good things.  This often involves ice cream, as all good celebrations do, although I prefer my celebrations with pie.  But I digress...
  We easily carry this attitude over to faith.  We think we're doing such great things, and we look to be celebrated for the things we've achieved.  Paul, here, is reminding us that everything we truly have is something we've received.  God gives us everything, including a foundation to build our lives upon, and we would be wise to remember that.  We can recall this not to make us feel guilty, but rather to help us feel grateful -- because the more we realize that everything good comes from God, it helps us see how God wants to give us good things, which helps us see the character of God, which helps us celebrate God, which transforms all of life and leads us to trust in God eternally.  
  So we have received everything.  Thanks be to God we can trust the One who gives and gives and gives out of joy.  (Remember, you are a source of joy to God!)

Monday, January 30, 2023

1 Corinthians 4:1-5

1 Corinthians 4:1-5 
English Standard Version 

  Let us give thanks that it is God who judges us.  If we rely on human judges, or we judge ourselves, we falter, but because we turn to God as judge, we recognize that the God who comes to judge is the same God who comes to save, and what a gift it is -- God looks up on us with mercy, and because of that, no human judge can condemn us.  Let us rest closely to God, and worry not what the world might say!

Friday, January 27, 2023

1 Corinthians 3:18-23

1 Corinthians 3:18-23 

  If I think of where I stand in the overall standings of powerful and faithful leaders in the church, I think it's safe to say that I'm pretty far down the list.  As far as I know, I've never been included in the conversations to replace the next pope or lead the next revival.  I'm not spoken of in the same breath as some of the most dynamic leaders of the church.
  But Paul is telling us that we should never think of boasting in these things -- whomever you are, you belong to Christ.  That's the distinguishing characteristic of your life and your character, and nothing else matters in comparison to this.  You are Christ's and Christ is God's, and that should be the singular fact that guides us through each passing day.
  To think that anything else is more important is folly... it's like worrying about a piece of dust when a dump truck is pouring thousands of hundred dollar bills in your backyard, or being concerned about the sound of a person who coughed once fourteen rows up while you were listening to the greatest symphony ever be played perfectly.  Everything else pales in comparison -- you are Christ's!  What can the world throw at you that would take that from you?  There is no shadow to eclipse such joy.  You are Christ's!

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Gates of Fire

   On the way back from Dallas on Tuesday, I finished Steven Pressfield's Gates of Fire.  It's an old historical fiction story about the battle of Thermopylae, the Spartan battle against the Persian invaders that helped preserve Europe from decimation at the hands of Xerxes and his troops.  The movie 300 tells the same story about how an outnumbered Greek force held the Persians off for days, at the eventual cost of all of their lives, although the movie mostly made me feel vastly inferior for not spending every waking hour at the gym.

  It's a sobering thought to watch the movie or read the book and think about those brave Greek soldiers stoiclly going to their deaths, bravely resisting a horde many times their number, offering their lives to preserve their country, even with the knowledge that they would perish in the effort.  It reminds me a bit of the end of the movie Glory, when the soldiers are on the beach about to charge, facing overwhelming odds and with little hope of being alive at the end of the day.  What does one think about in such moments of peace before the trumpets of war sound and violence reaches up from the pit to ensnare its victims in the icy grip of death?  What memories abound in the heart while the eyes take in the sights and sounds of weapons at the ready?  How do the feet obey orders while the soul screams?

  There's an interesting discussion related in the book.  Pressfield writes from the perspective of a squire attached to one of the Spartan leaders, and at one point, the Spartan is asking his fellow soldiers what the opposite of fear is.  I don't know what comes to your mind -- courage is the easy answer, but it's not the conclusion reached here.  No, the opposite of fear, Pressfield suggests, is love.  The Spartans stay in the fight and overcome the desire for self-preservation because of a love stronger than fear, a love for the soldier next to them and a love to preserve their homeland.

  I think about this in relation to Augustine's thoughts that the essence of sin is disordered loves.  We love the wrong things, and so we find ourselves enveloped in sin, because those loves lead us to places we wouldn't have planned to go where we do things we never thought that we would do.  If we loved things properly, if we loved God first and others next, then we'd love and serve and worship in a way that made humanity sing with harmony.  But we love ourselves and pleasures more than these, and so we cheat one another and selflessly pursue for ourselves.  We plunder and brawl to get, rather than serving to give.  Because our loves are disordered, we're driven by fear.

  The best line the Spartans have, which I think is discussed in Dan Carlin's Hardcore History episode on the Persian Empire (King of Kings III), is when Xerxes (which is a fantastic name for a dog, in my opinion) comes and asks the Spartans for their spears, imploring them to serve him rather than end up dead beneath the wheels of the Persian war machine.  King Leonidas' reply?  Molon Labe, which means "Come and take them." 

1 Corinthians 3:16-17

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 

  If we're honest, we'll admit that we open the car doors more carefully when we're parked next to a brand new luxury car then if we pull in tightly to a 1986 Toyota Corolla that shows the miles.  In the same way, I had a nice steak for dinner the other night and I ate slower than I would've if I'd been at a fast food restaurant -- I savored it more, even though the calories going in were probably the same.  
  How would you treat yourself if you thought of yourself as God's temple, hosting the Holy Spirit?  How would you talk to yourself differently if you were aware of the eternal and everlasting God dwelling within you?  I bet you'd be a little kinder, a little gentler, if you contemplated how God made you and claimed you and lives in you.  Just as you walk a bit more carefully when touring a mansion, you'd be a little more considerate and give yourself a bit more grace if you thought of yourself in such a way.
  The Psalmist tells us that God has known us since eternity and knit us together in our mother's wombs.  You are handcrafted by God, so be kind to yourself.  God made you.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

1 Corinthians 3:10-15

1 Corinthians 3:10-15 

  Let's imagine you work in a commercial kitchen.  You're not responsible for the primary cooking, but you take what the chef has made, apply some toppings, and then take it out to the customers.  
  If you have the greatest chef in the world, then there's probably not a lot to do to mess it up.  You're simply working with great materials and trying to ensure you continue the work that has already been started.  The meal will be evaluated based on the work the chef has done, but you have a small role in making sure the presentation is right.
  You could, however, royally mess it up if you drop the food and let it roll all over the floor.  Maybe you wait while it's down there, letting the food cool down and then deliver it to customers looking like garbage.  That'd be bad, right?
  Paul is trying to help the Corinthians see that the foundation of Jesus Christ has been lain.  This is the best foundation, but the church has the chance to build upon this foundation.  If they build well, that's a good thing, but if they mess it up, the fire will consume their work.  Paul tells them that all will be saved, but we have a responsibility to honor Christ as the foundation of our church and to make sure our work is faithful to Christ's mission.

Monday, January 23, 2023

1 Corinthians 3:5-9

1 Corinthians 3:5-9 

  If you're a farmer, there's a lot of work to be done, but ultimately, you can't make the crops grow.  You can't go out into the field and pull crops out of the ground -- you have to keep weeding and watering, but you can only create the best environment possible and hope that things work out like you expect.  It's a little like raising children -- some things are beyond your control.  
  Paul is reminding the Corinthian church that it's the Holy Spirit that makes things grow.  The same is true of every church -- pastors and leaders and members can do everything possible to create the best environment, but ultimately, it's the work of the Holy Spirit to lead things forward.  
  It's a helpful thing to remember.  It doesn't free us of responsibility, but it does remind us who is really in charge.

Friday, January 20, 2023

1 Corinthians 3:1-4

1 Corinthians 3:1-4 

  I don't know if I've mentioned it or not, but not all was rosy and bright in Corinth.  Paul doesn't hold back here, telling the Corinthian church that they were spiritual babies not ready for solid spiritual food.  Really gives you the warm and fuzzies, right?  One of the many problems they're having is that they aren't united -- they're claiming that some are more special than others because they follow certain leaders within the church, rather than focused on the larger message of the church.  It's a claim that my celebrity pastor makes me a better Christian than yours.  Paul is not pleased.
  So the New Testament isn't all love and peace and grace.  There are some hard words here, because they're addressed to real people living in real communities.  They're facing real challenges, and Paul writes to those specific challenges.  The church matters to the real problems we face in day to day life, even in interpersonal conflict that we're dealing with -- the church has something to say to this.  
  So let us listen well, and give thanks for a Gospel that speaks to both the eternal and the immediate.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

1 Corinthians 2:14-16

1 Corinthians 2:14-16 

  When I go to art museums, there is a lot that doesn't make any sense to me.  The hardest part for me, in moments like that, is to have humility and try and look through the lens of someone else to find something to appreciate.  Instead, I assume that my viewpoint is the only valid one, and therefore, it's not good art.  It's a growing edge for me.
  It's hard to accept humility, but Paul is telling the Corinthians that it's a vital part of faith -- to have the humility to set aside our own way of thinking and allow the mind of Christ to lead us.  It's hard to take the things from the Spirit of God -- to discern things spiritually, especially when these clash with the popular ways of thinking.  But this is the way to growth -- to accept another way of thinking, and humbly allow God to speak to us and lead us in the direction that God thinks is best, not us.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

1 Corinthians 2:11-13

1 Corinthians 2:11-13 

  Do you know how when you go to the car repair shop, you feel over your head?  You're intimidated, and as a result, you often end up spending more than you should.  There's a huge difference in knowledge, and as a result, you don't feel comfortable or fair.
  God is the opposite -- there's a huge knowledge gap, but God wants you to understand, and so God sends the Holy Spirit to translate the knowledge of God into something we can understand.  I've heard Jesus described in this way, too -- that God translated himself into a language we understood, so that we could know God better.  God wants us to know God personally.  
  The tricky part for us is remembering to slow down enough so that we can hear what the Holy Spirit wants to say to us.  Do you create space in your life for God to speak to you in a way that you'll understand?

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

2022 Book Review

   Here it is, the post that everyone has been waiting for!  Books in review for 2022.  The good news for the year is that I still haven't read a book as bad as Eugene Sue's The Wandering Jew, which I finished at the end of 2020 and still cannot believe how bad the last 700 pages were.  I'll let go of that someday, but not yet.

  In 2022, I read 53 books, totaling 19,111 pages.  I wish I could say that the book per week average meant that I took a measured approach and read a little every day, but that was not at all how it worked.  Instead, I end up finding a few good books and missing plenty of nights of solid sleep due to staying up too late into the night.  I binge on books.

  I didn't have a top 10 list this year -- I didn't read as many great books as I did in 2021.  I read a lot of books this year that didn't stick with me -- I finished them, returned them to the library, and then promptly didn't think about them again.  So instead of a top 10, I've listed a few notable books below.

-Far and away, the best book of the year was Kate Quinn's The Diamond Eye.  Fantastic story of an amazing woman fighting as a sniper in the Soviet army and then becoming best friends with Eleanor Roosevelt.  Cannot recommend this one highly enough.  

-I stumbled across Abir Mukherjee's A Rising Man, and then read the next three books in the series.  It's a post-WWI British detective working in India.  The mysteries are good stories, but the standout quality of these books is the sense of place Mukherjee is able to provide through his writing.  Beautifully written books that make you feel as though you are there, which is all the more amazing given that India and Ohio have slightly different climates.

-Charles Mann's The Wizard the Prophet was a very interesting read.  He focuses on two fundamentally different approaches to the environmental movement.  The Prophets focus on a doom and gloom approach, predicting the end of the world, while the Wizards are focused on the ways technology help overcome the environmental challenges we face.  This is a book you read that makes you think about how you see the world and what kind of approach you'd take to challenges.

-Suzanne Simard's Finding the Mother Tree is a reminder of how amazing nature is.  Trees care for one another, which should force us to think deeply about the forest as a living organism more than a collection of different plants.  Perhaps if we were to take that approach, we'd hesitate before removing forest for developments and enter such realms with appropriate reverence.  

-The Secret Race, by Tyler Hamilton, was impossible to put down.  Hamilton detailed his usage of steroids as a world-class bike rider, and the careful steps taken to stay ahead of drug testers.  I'd never realized the pressure to do steroids, and Hamilton made me think about my opinions about those who use them, especially in a world like cycling, where it is impossible to be competitive without steroids.

-Peng Shepherd's The Cartographers was a fun exploration of how maps change the world.  Do maps have power to create reality?  

-I finally read Erik Larson's Devil in the White City, about a serial killer during the Chicago World's Fair.  The part about preparing for the World's Fair and building a ferris wheel was amazing. The part about the serial killer was terrifying.  Overall, it seems like everything Larson writes is worth reading and well-written.

-I read a bunch of Anthony Horowitz's writing this year, including the three James Bond novels that he wrote.  It seems like he's turning out a book a month!  All of his mysteries are fun adventures.

  That's the list for the year.  As always, the world expanded when I read, and I got to escape reality every time I turned a page.  I look forward to what I'll dive into this year!

1 Corinthians 2:6-10

1 Corinthians 2:6-10 

  Typically, access to valuable things is restricted to those with the most power/wealth/resources.  The reason some paintings sell for hundreds of millions of dollars is because there is usually only one of them, and the scarcity pushes up the price, and the one with the most resources wins.
  What's amazing about the truth of the Gospel is that it's available to all, regardless of resources.  In many cases, the more resources you have, the harder it is to see the truth of the Gospel, because it's hard to admit that you need anything when you seem to have everything you need.  Scripture is amazing in pointing us to this truth -- that the rulers of the age may completely miss the most valuable thing, while those with the least resources may possess the greatest treasure of all. 

Thursday, January 12, 2023

The Enigma of Room 622

   Joel Dicker's The Enigma of Room 622 is a great mystery.  It's on a long list of books that I figured I'd read over a week or so and ended up devouring in a few days because I couldn't put it down.  It centers an author who goes away to vacation and notices the hotel has a room 621, 621A, and 623, but no room 622.  Pretty soon he and his self-proclaimed assistant are exploring the story behind the murder that took place in room 622 years ago.

  My takeaway from this is how dangerous our appetites can be to the health of our souls.  As someone once said, the only word our appetites know is more.  How often have those who were content lost everything when they've chased even more?  It's so easy to get caught up in wanting more, and so hard to resist the siren song of keeping up with others, even when we're chasing something that we didn't even want at one point.  But those roots start small, and they sink deeper into our lives, when they've soon taken over and we're obsessed with a chase, even at great cost to us.

  It's what makes the 23rd Psalm so interesting.  When the Lord is our shepherd, we do not want.  How amazing is the thought of being fully satisfied and wanting for nothing?  That's a life worth striving for.

1 Corinthians 2:1-5

1 Corinthians 2:6-10 

  Take a minute -- how would you describe the wisdom of today's age?
  It's changed a lot over the years.  The wisdom of the age would probably be described very different 50 years ago.  How about 200 years ago?  I'm currently reading a book of historical fiction set in the battle of Thermopalye.  Very different wisdom of the age for the Spartans back in the day.  
  What's amazing is that the wisdom of God transcends all of this.  In every age, we think of our age's wisdom as the pinnacle of human wisdom, but so did the people 250 years ago, and we laugh at how outdated some of their lines of thinking were.  In 100 years, people will laugh at things we believe now -- this should give us some humility when we speak!  
  But the Bible has spoken to every age and every people under the sun.  The Holy Spirit has a greater wisdom than our current wisdom, and thanks be to God for that.
  So reflect a little on what the age's current wisdom is. It's prudent to pay attention to such things.  But let us also rely for true wisdom on what is revealed by God in Scripture.  That's timeless.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

1 Corinthians 2:1-5

1 Corinthians 2:1-5 

  We love a strong orator.  We think about speakers who can captivate a room, who can turn a phrase and leave us hanging on every word.  
  For all of his wisdom, Paul was likely not that kind of orator.  Paul's goal was not to draw any attention to himself, but he emptied himself out, and the only thing he knew, the only thing he focused on, was Christ crucified.  He strove to communicate the love and grace of God, and clearly did so in an effective way, because I'm writing something based on his letter that he wrote two thousand years ago!  
  It wasn't about Paul.  Paul wasn't thinking about building himself up.  Paul wasn't trying to launch a motivational speaking business.  Paul wasn't hoping to get booked on a TV show.  Paul was trying to communicate the straightforward truth of the Gospel in a way that the most people would grasp it.  That's what he wanted, that's what he aimed for, and that's what he did.
  May we find the same focus in all that we do.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


   Can we all agree that Disney's animated Robin Hood is the second-best Robin Hood, bested only by Robin Hood: Men in Tights?  I've seen three or four Robin Hoods, and I never gave much thought to all the discussion about John trying to capture the throne away from Richard III, who was off fighting in the Crusades.  Maybe it's hard to be too focused on historical realities when you're watching Robin Hood's merry men sing about their tights or you're thinking about the archery skills of an animated fox.  Or maybe I was simply trying to ignore the brutal realities of the Crusades, which surely are at or near the nadir of the faith, with promises of salvation to all who died fighting in the Crusades.

  Somewhere, I'd seen a recommendation of John Man's biography Saladin:  The Sultan who Vanquished the Crusaders and Built an Islamic Empire.  It was a short, quick read, and a fascinating look at those on the other end of the Crusades.  Man paints Saladin as a heroic figure -- not perfect, but able to balance the demands of trying to rule in a dynamic, contested geography while battling the Europeans for rule over Jerusalem and other nearby areas.  Saladin comes off as far less bloodthirsty and more merciful than the Crusaders, who exercise no restraint when fighting for an area.  Saladin takes a longer-term view -- he doesn't want to let a slaughter happen in an area where he'll have to rule, and at other times, he simply doesn't seem interested in exterminating his foes, exercising civility and restraint.  

  Man's biography is a window into a period of history I knew very little about -- I didn't connect this to Robin Hood until close to the end, when Richard III comes to fight for Jerusalem, and I realized that John's attempt to seize the throne was taking place while Saladin was fighting off the Crusaders.  It's well worth the short investment to learn about a time and place that may be a mystery to many.

1 Corinthians 1:27-31

1 Corinthians 1:27-30
 English Standard Version 

  If I figure out a way to solve a problem on my own, I'm generally proud of what I've done, whether it is through hard work or cleverness.  I can point to that and tell everyone what a great job I did.  
  If I am admitted into the church because of my strengths, then perhaps I could look at that achievement and say that I'm a great person.  If I could figure out how to save myself, then I'd be worth following, right?
  But that's not how God works.  It's not about what we do, so we're not running around boasting about how great we are.  Instead, it's about what God has done, and what God is doing.  That way, none of us are excluded from the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  We're not boasting before God about what we've done, and no one is following us because we've done so spectacularly.  Instead, we're boasting in God, because of God's love and mercy.  We're praising God, because of how much God loves us, even when we don't deserve.
  This way, we're not focused on ourselves, because we're focused on God, which then frees us up to focus on one another!  We must decrease, as John tells us, so God can increase.

Monday, January 9, 2023

1 Corinthians 1:26

1 Corinthians 1:26

  There was a time when TED Talks were new and invigorating.  I remember watching a few of the first ones and feeling like it was a window into something incredibly exclusive.  It doesn't seem that way now.  Know what I've never seen a TED talk on?  Reminding your audience how low on the social standing totem pole they are.  "Know what fires people up?  Tell them that they fall short of everyone's standards and expectations!  That'll get them going!"
  And yet, here we are.  That's exactly what Paul is doing, and he's doing it to demonstrate how God is doing something remarkable through a humble group of people.  They likely have been reminded all their life, overtly and subtly, that they aren't the movers and shakers, and maybe they look around the room and wonder if they belong, wonder if they'll simply be defeated by the more powerful Roman forces, if the movement they've joined will amount to nothing and they're risking their social status for nothing.
  But Paul is telling them that a theology of the cross isn't about social standing.  It's not about worldly status, for that's not how God works.  Paul is telling them that God can use anything and anyone to advance the Gospel in the world, which opens the door of the congregation to anyone.  You don't have to be ashamed of your past or feel like you're unworthy to join.  God can work in you and through you, as long as you're willing.  It also means that there's no reason to worry if it looks like things are moving against the organization.  Maybe there have been some defeats.  No worry -- God is at work, in spite of earthly defeats.  The heavenly kingdom will not be defeated!

Friday, January 6, 2023

1 Corinthians 1:22-25

1 Corinthians 1:22-25 

  What do you consider strength?
  Is it physical strength?  I used to watch all the strong man competitions that played on ESPN late at night, with some guy named Magnus always in the top 2.  Those guys were seriously strong.
  Maybe it's leadership.  Look at some of the top executives or politicians over the past few years, and there are some very strong women and men in that group.  By financial or power metrics, they are strong.
  Could be emotional strength.  Do you have the strength to watch Old Yeller and not cry?  
  The fullness of God's strength is seen most perfectly in the self-sacrificial love of Jesus Christ, who came down to earth and died on a cross so that the people he loves can dwell with him forever.
  That's strength, even though the world mocked it.
  May we have the wisdom to be strong in the same way.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

1 Corinthians 1:18-21

1 Corinthians 1:18-21 
English Standard Version 

  If you were on the Titanic, with all the riches in the world, what were you hoping for?  Another diamond?  Or a rescuer?
  I've spent a fair amount of time with people in the thin places, where life and death draw near to each other, as cancer or age weakens the body and loved ones gather around.  In those moments, no one hopes for more money or power.  
  The things we spend much of our lives chasing are powerless to help us when we need help most.  Paul is pointing that out to the church in Corinth.  Those considered wise by the world's standards were often discarding the cross, a sign of weakness and death, as folly.  Others were clinging to the cross, and as a result, they were being saved for glory forever, despite being mocked by the world's wisest people.
  Many today mock Christianity.  It's easy to do so.  There are a lot of things more popular and fashionable in the world around us.  But in the face of the deepest and hardest trials we'll face, Christianity offers answers to questions that leave other false gods silent.  True wisdom may appear to be folly to many, but when discussing ultimate things (which as a society, we often don't do anymore), the wisdom of God offers a way forward.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

1 Corinthians 1:10-17

1 Corinthians 1:10-17

  So Monday night was tough.  We were all watching the Bengals game, excited for the conclusion of another regular season where we had the chance to look forward to the playoffs... and suddenly we were all gripped by the all-too-real drama unfolding on the field, where it went from just a game to real life in the blink of an eye.  Scores of games didn't matter, and foes became allies.  
  Life changes fast, and in those moments, we're reminded of what truly matters.  In the Corinthian church, Paul was writing to a church caught up in divisions -- they were quarreling over small things, and Paul is reminding them of the bigger things.  We all need reminding of this from time to time -- of what truly matters, and when we recognize this, the smaller divisions fall away.
  So if you're in the midst of a quarrel, remember the bigger picture.  Hold onto your loved ones, for life is so very precious.  May we treasure the communities we are blessed with, and give thanks for the time we have together.  

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

1 Corinthians 1:4-9

1 Corinthians 1:4-9 

  Are you ever unsure how to pray for someone else?  It can be a hard thing, especially if someone doesn't have an obvious need.  We all need prayer.  I've always found people are receptive to being asked how you can pray for them.  But if you're not sure how to pray for someone, here's a good start.  Paul is praying for people to be enriched in speech and knowledge -- so that they're filled with the Holy Spirit in their inner life and in their relationships.  Paul is praying that God will sustain them through God's faithfulness.
  That's a great start if you're not sure how to pray for someone -- that God bless their inner and outer life, and sustain them through any challenges.
  Who can you pray that for today?
  And how can you keep that up this year, praying for someone every day?