Friday, July 11, 2014

Psalm 60

Psalm 60 
The Message (MSG)


  Parenting is tough.  Most of the time, it feels like you're rushing around trying to keep your kid from hurting themselves.  Sometimes, though, life happens and they're soon screaming at the top of their lungs, wailing about how their toe hurts and is about to fall off.
  Rachel has a tendency to sweep up Caleb into her arms and make everything better.  Me?  I'm the guy who is telling Caleb that this is what happens when he doesn't listen to Mom & Dad.  And you wonder why he runs to Mom when he gets hurt...
  But we sometimes suffer the consequences of our choices.  Sometimes, God lets us do the same.  Our sin snowballs and wreaks havoc in our lives.  Poor choices have effects on relationships.  God has promised that our sin will not condemn us if we are in Christ, but he does sometimes allow us to suffer the consequences of our poor choices, in the hopes that we will see our need for repentance and go running back to his marvelous mercy and wondrous grace.
  So when we are struggling under the weight of bad choices, may we turn to the Spirit for wisdom and give thanks that God is a loving parent who wants us to grow closer to him.

May you trust in God's wisdom

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