Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Psalm 63

Psalm 63 
English Standard Version (ESV)

  Most of us know what it feels like to be hungry.  We know what it's like to miss a meal (or two) and find our stomachs growling with discontent.
  But deep hunger, the type that roars with desperation because we haven't eaten in days, and there is no promise of nutrition in sight?  I don't know what that's like.  I have no idea what it feels like to be starving, to eat cakes of mud because there is nothing else, like they do in Haiti.
  When we think of our desire to be with God, is it like the feeling of being hungry, the idea that it would be nice to have God with us, or is it like starvation, the feeling that we desperately need God, that we'll do anything and everything possible to have God with us?
  One of the two will drive us, motivate us, stir us to action.  The other will keep God on a shelf, from where we'll get him down when he's useful to us.  One is foolish, selfish, and wasteful.  The other is the narrow path that leads to life.

May we seek to be wise Christians, pursuing God earnestly, as our very souls thirst for God.

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