Psalm 119:9-16
English Standard Version (ESV)
My biggest problem in life, I believe, is that I don't seek God with my whole heart.
I seek him with part of my heart, but part of my heart seeks after success and renown, and those are black holes. You never get enough. There is no satisfaction there, because there is always someone with more, and you're always comparing yourself to them, and then you become driven, but the drive somehow consumes you at the same time. Pursuit of false gods leaves you empty, because you have to give up a lot to chase these false gods.
Pursuit of God, however, gives you rest (Come to me and I will give you rest, God says). It fills you, and then sends you out to enjoy the good things of life with renewed energy and purpose. Seek God with your whole heart, Scripture tells us, and the rest of life will be enriched--you'll get more!
My heart is divided. I have given bits and pieces away to different false gods. My earnest prayer, my heart's true cry, is to seek God with single-minded purpose, that all of life may be filled with grace and peace.
May you seek God, and may you find him
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