2 Kings 19:14-19
English Standard Version (ESV)
So King Hezekiah has received a letter threatening destruction at the hands of the Assyrians. He is faced with the greatest empire of the time that is coming after him -- it's clearly something he is not prepared for. His first instinct is correct -- to go to the Lord.
We all face opposition. Maybe you're facing something right now, or maybe there is something in your past. If not, there is something in the future -- something will rise up that you're not prepared for, that you don't know if you can face. At that moment, our first response should be to go to the Lord in prayer. He has promised to hear every prayer, even the ones we can scarcely manage to put words to, and his strength can get us through every trial and tribulation, even death itself. Our prayers may not be answered exactly as we desire, but he will never let us out of the palm of our hands, and our future is secure in him, even if that future looks different than we can imagine.
So when we face opposition, let us pray and trust in the God who will lead us through fire and death, into an abundant and eternal life. Our joy is in the abundance of life that Christ offers, and he will be our peace in the midst of every moment of life.
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