Matthew 12:46-50
English Standard Version (ESV)
As a society, we have ways to tell who is 'in' or not. We base our opinions on the way people dress or talk. At a sports game, we notice what hats or jerseys people are wearing, so we know if they are 'in' with the home team or 'out' in cheering for the other team. We form our own little tribes, often unconsciously, all too often omitting those who are not like us.
Jesus, however, is radically inclusive. He opens his arms and welcomes outsiders, inviting them in. All those who do the will of God are invited in to his family -- they're not just friends, but family! They are part of the inner circle, all because they have chosen to follow Jesus. He welcomes them, and he welcomes us -- we were once outsiders, but now we are family, welcome and safe.
May we imitate Jesus and welcome others!
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