Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Matthew 13:31-35

Matthew 13:31-35
English Standard Version (ESV)

  Try and describe the taste of really good chocolate to someone who has never had chocolate.  It's impossible.   You can try and tell them all the great things about chocolate, but until they've actually tasted it on their own, there is no way to give them that experience.  There may be things that are similar to chocolate, but nothing does a perfect imitation. 
  The Kingdom of Heaven is the same way -- we cannot understand it in this world.  There is simply nothing to imitate the experience.  Jesus tries to help us wrap our human minds around it by describing how certain traits of things here on earth are similar to the Kingdom of Heaven, but ultimately, we can't fully understand it until we enter it. 
  What we can do, however, is whet our appetites for it by devouring as much of God as we can, and by leaning into Jesus' teachings and the work of the church here on earth, we tune our ears and our hearts to what God is doing and to how God works.  By paying attention to what God is doing now, we learn about how God works, and this helps our hearts anticipate the Kingdom of Heaven.  We'll never know fully what it is like, but we can get a good taste of Heaven by joining in God's efforts in the here and now.

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