Matthew 13:36-43
English Standard Version (ESV)
We all have a lot of questions when it comes to the end times. There's a lot of uncertainty, and it's very, very important. The combination of those two things makes it a treasure field for those who like to sow division, or those who are looking to profit through the uncertainty of others. Also, in today's world, it means that those who calmly remind others that God is in charge are likely to be drowned out by others who are shouting at the top of their lungs.
So what to do? For starters, take a deep breath. Then remember that God is the sower, and the angels (who do his bidding) are the reapers. And God has proven throughout the Bible to be patient and loving and gracious. So for those of us seeking God, may we remember that God is more merciful than we can imagine. And let us also remember this -- there are those who are unaware of what God is doing in their midst. Let us view the end times as a compelling reason to share the Good News that God is love and God invites everyone into the wonder of his mercy and grace.
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