Monday, March 11, 2024

James 1:19-21

James 1:19-21 
English Standard Version 

  It's fascinating to read verses like this in the midst of peak political silliness.  Imagine a world where we default to listening before speaking, where we aren't so quick to be angry but rather practice stillness and patience first.  Think of how our world might be different if run by the meek, guided by Scripture, which calls us to love and serve.  Imagine leaders that fled from anything that hinted at impropriety.  
  But that's not the world we have, so we have to do our best to create it.  May we seek to be examples in our community and in our congregations and in our neighborhoods.  May we live by this, and perhaps in doing so, we can influence one another, and change the world, little by little.  

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