The plagues are always fascinating to me due to their terrible range. From turning a river to blood to boils to frogs to gnats, they demonstrate God's complete control over all of creation. The Egyptians have enslaved the Israelites for 400 years, and the people are groaning for freedom. Pharaoh believes that he is a god, and Moses and Aaron are the instruments through which God is pointing out that there is only one true God. From the gnats to the stars, all of creation will obey its Creator.
We, too, struggle with the idea that we're not in control, that we're not in charge. We want to be in control. We need to be in control -- we so often read world news and it breaks our hearts and stirs our anxieties. We feel so small, so helpless, that we need some thing, no matter how small, to be in control of, so that we feel like all is not lost.
God tells us to cling to God. God tells us that are safe in God's hands, and that the eternal Kingdom of God is a place where we don't need to be in control, because we can trust the one who is. It's hard to trust in something that we cannot see, and yet that is how we are called to train our hearts -- looking forward, beyond the chaos, to the hope that shines on the horizon. Then we're called to invite others to rejoice in what we can trust, to hold fast to hope and love and peace and joy, and walk forward as a community, carrying those who cannot walk on their own, and letting our hearts rest in the blessed assurance of grace.