Monday, February 3, 2025

Exodus 5:1-2

Exodus 5:1-2 
  We run into barriers all the time.  Some of them are financial, others are physical.  Some are there for our own protection -- I remember Rachel and I driving on a road in the Turks and Caicos years ago that had a little wooden barrier right where the road ran into the ocean.  Barriers like this are welcome.  Other barriers pen us in and prevent us from doing what we'd like.  Physical distance is a barrier that separates us from seeing people as often.  
  Pharaoh thought he operated without any barriers.  He thought that being Pharaoh meant he was God and answered to no one.  He had no regard for any rival, and so he would not answer to Moses and Aaron when they demanded something.
  We can live like we are our own gods, and ignore the reality of barriers, or we can acknowledge that God alone is Lord and King, and make our choices based on the reality of submitting to God's perfect will.  There will be things that we cannot do.  But God promises us far more than we can ask or imagine in return for pledging ourselves to God.  What we gain is far more than we give up.

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