How committed to your path do you have to be that frogs in your bed don't change your mind? I'm not sure that I'm that committed to anything. I don't know exactly where I'd draw the line, but somewhere before frogs started jumping into my bed.
Pharaoh was not to be discouraged lightly. Or heavily.
Sometimes, our opponents are committed to their course of action. We'd like to change their minds. We pray for wisdom to know how to deal with it. We talk to trusted loved ones, hoping for some guidance on how to persuade them.
At times, it doesn't matter. All we can do is trust in God, stay faithful to our calling, and endure the hardship. The Israelites were not to be freed by the Nile turning to blood, nor by frogs in Pharaoh's bed. It would take far more than that. But they would be freed, because God is victorious.
May we find the courage to trust God in all things, no matter what, even when the light of hope is shining so dimly that we have to look twice to see it. It is there, because God is present and at work.
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