Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Exodus 8:8-10

Exodus 8:8-10 

  Pharaoh is a fascinating study in dealing with things in the moment.  In the midst of the plagues, Pharaoh will promise anything, but once the frogs are gone, then he changes his mind.  The crisis has passed, and he'll submit to no one when his freedom is regained.  It makes me think of the old saying that there are no atheists in foxholes... but when the moment passes, are the promises that were made to God in the moment of crisis still valid?  Or were they simply words tossed out to gain freedom from under oppression?
  It's amazing to me in the Psalms when it talks about how well God knows us.  In Psalm 139, we hear about how God has searched us and known us, hemmed us in, and such knowledge is too wonderful to us.  God knows us fully, more fully than we can be known on this earth, and God still chooses to love us.  Despite our failing to live up to promises we've made in the past, despite fickle hearts that blow with the winds, God chooses to love us, chooses to redeem us, chooses to send the Holy Spirit to send words of affirmation to us and remind us that we belong to God.  
  So rather than promises, let us make choices, consistently, to make time to worship God each day, confessing our shortcomings but more importantly praising God for God's love and patience.  May we lead our hearts to praise.

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