Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 3 New Hope E-News


Prayer CoordinatorThere is a movement afoot in Chattanooga! Project 29:7 is trying to get churches signed up to be responsible for a day of prayer, meaning that the church would need to find 24 volunteers to cover a day in prayer. I have more details, but if you're interested in coordinating this project, please speak with me!

Wednesday FunA big thank you to Lynne Brock for organizing these!
Community Kitchen Spot
There are a lot of hungry and homeless children of God and the community needs some help feeding them. If you would like to help out, please bring the following items to church this Sunday & put them in the grocery cart.

New Hope News

Sunday School—This Sunday, the adult class will study Jude, the 'most neglected book in the New Testament'

Building & GroundsThere will be a building & grounds meeting on July 10. Speak with Larrie Mansfield if you'd like to attend.

$.02/meal—Next collection will be July 21. Be sure to save your pennies!

VBSWill be the week of July 15-18. Make your plans accordingly!

Pray For:
Lynn Meyer & Christine Dyer

Those struggling with the heat wave in the West

Egypt, Syria and other places caught up in chaos

Russell Mabry

John L. Wright – He is now in Sisken for rehab (he's in room 522 if you'd like to give him a call). Continue to lift he & Peggy up in your prayers. John L. is doing well and hoping to be home soon!


Keith's Random Thoughts

The Taco Bell across the street is being renovated. They've gutted the building and completely demolished the exterior. Nothing but the core of the building has been left untouched.
Unfortunately, when they're finished, the food won't be any better. The heart of their business will remain the same.
Jesus talked about the same idea in a conversation with the Pharisees. In Luke 11, he told them that they clean the outside of the cup, but the inside is filled with wickedness and greed. In essence, their lives look fine from the outside, but their hearts are far from God.

When we become a Christian, we promise everything to God. We promise to let him be the sovereign Lord not only of our outside life, but also of our inner life. We pledge our actions and words and our thoughts, too. We ask the Holy Spirit to transform all of us.

If we only offer Christ our outer life, we've only done half the work of discipleship. If we go to church and don't pay attention, we're missing the point. If we serve others but despise them in our hearts, we're failing at offering him all of ourselves. If we act polite in public but privately lash out at others or hoard secret sins, we're not growing in faith.
Christianity is a tough religion. We are called to a narrow way of discipleship, to a demanding faithfulness. It indeed takes dying to ourselves each and every day, in the hopes that Christ's life will grow within us, taking hold of our hearts and minds and traveling outward, transforming our exterior life as well as the interior one.

I don't pretend that this is easy, nor would I claim to have mastered it. My heart is a cesspool of greed and envy and pride and laziness. I pray for renewal each and every day, hoping that Christ will transform me, little by little, into a new man, a faithful man, who can live his calling with integrity.

Without Christ renewing the inside, the work we do on the outside leaves us hollow. I don't want to be like Taco Bell—I want to consume the Bread of Life and lead others to it.

Text for this Sunday
Daniel 4 is a pretty long chapter. I'm not going to be reading the entire chapter, just bits and pieces, but the sermon is based on the entire arc of the chapter. If you'd like to read it, 4&version=CEV

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