Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Psalm 65:9-13

Psalm 65:9-13
New International Version (NIV)


  Sorry for the delay... moving hundreds of miles from Chattanooga turned out to be a bit more time consuming than expected.  If you need boxes, however, we have extra.

  Have you ever wondered why the earth is so beautiful?  Have you ever seen pictures (or the real thing) of a coral reef and wondered why such splendor exists?  Have you ever wandered through a dense forest and been amazed at the grandeur there?
  I think God likes to create beautiful things.  I think God loves beauty, and he fills the earth with beauty as a way of expressing delight.
  In taking time to appreciate the beauty God makes, I think we recognize how magnificent the God we worship is.  God isn't just about the bare basics, but about abundance and love and wonder.  God loves beauty, and calls us to enjoy that beauty and to create beauty with God.

May you revel in God's abundance

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I have missed starting my day with you.